Thursday, July 13, 2006

Back in Action

We are back in action. Not that we were really out of action but it has been a while since I have been able to sit down and write about what is going on without involving a whole bunch of family stuff.

We had, once again, a pretty rough time in Wyoming. There are just not open doors or people willing to receive. Tony and Matthias ended up getting a couple of jobs while we were there. We all breathed a sigh of relief as we pulled out.

We have spent the last 4 weeks in Sheridan Wyoming. Sheridan at this moment is the place that we “run” the ministry out of in the way that our bank is there, our vehicles are registered there ect. Also, Tracy’s mom is there and so we have to make the once a year visit and had quite a bit of family stuff to take care of while we were there.

We spent 8 days getting to Bemidji MN because we are very early arriving and didn’t want to arrive too early. When we got what we needed to leave Wyoming we did it quickly as we were not sure as to when we would have the chance again and it would be better to be early than late!

Our reception here in Bemidji, as always, has been incredible. Our brothers and sisters have welcomed us with open arms and open hearts to what the Lord has for them. We have been busy since we got here. Meeting new poeple, and catching up to old friends, speaking, and learning about what the summer camps that we will be speakers, worship team, and councelors for, as well as meeting people that we will be working with and hearing about some of the other stuff that we have lined up while we are here. More and more stuff is lining up. This time here is just going to fly.

We are on our “Set Apart to Serve” campaign this summer, Sunday was the first time that Tony and Tracy preached on that campaign. Helps, Hospitality, Encouragement. All leading to Freedom in Christ.

We have not had the chance to put up new photos as of yet but we will be doing that soon! We have our computer back and access so that we can now have a little more freedom to do some of that. As you might have noticed the web page has been totally re-designed and for a while it will stay that way but don’t get too comfortable with it. Just like Freedom Seed and the things that God sets us to do, it is continuely changing, the message stays the same but the form and the way we present it changes often “becoming all things to all people...”.

If you didn’t get the note, our e-mail address has changed to: . If you would like to join our private Newsletter and contact list drop us a line and let us know.

May God bless you all and keep you. There will be plenty to be updated on so keep checking back. If you haven’t been here for a while make sure and check the “Coffee Talk” and Tracy’s new place “Zap” and the Newsletter.

Freedom Seed

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