Wednesday, November 10, 2010


There are plenty of ways to get involved in discussing things, exchanging ideas and meeting new people by participating here on the blog or by visiting the Freedom Seed facebook page. You can also visit the Wikia page and make your own changes, it is a little more complicated than posting your comment on the blog or joining a discussion on facebook but it also has many more options.
And since we are in the page sharing mood you might as well check out the Freedom Seed Etsy page that is home to some cute winter gifts and will soon be hosting our CD! Speaking of CDs that is the last page I'll share with you all right now, the new Daughters of Exile page on facebook.
Please feel free to share all these sites, the more the merrier!

Hope to see you in a discussion soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read through this and love all your ideas. I can't wait to read more.