Thursday, July 13, 2006


Sometimes a conversation can change your whole outlook on life, your

relationships with others and even your relationship with God. Let me tell you

about one of those kinds of conversations that we had just recently.

We were talking to some friends of ours, in Spanish, and the woman from the

couple that is living with us was telling our friends what they did in their


well, actually, she was telling them what she did in the ministry. Our friends


asking odd questions like “Oh, really? You do it all by yourself huh?” as she is

telling them how she builds houses for the poor in Ciudad Juarez. Of course, she

ended up leaving the conversation confused as to why they did not understand

that she built houses, thinking that maybe it was that they could not believe


she, as a woman, could build houses.

The next day we went to visit our friends and they started explaining to us

why they had shown so much unbelief and given her such a hard time. It was not

that they did not believe that she could build houses but that they say it is

impossible to do it alone, without help. They began to explain to us how nobody

does anything alone; there is always help. Even if someone was doing the primary

physical work there is someone who is encouraging him or her, someone who is

cooking for him or her, someone who is cleaning… When something is being done

even though you might only see or recognize one person, behind that person there

is many people.

That is the point that we would like to make to all of you. “We” are “us” and

“us” is “we”. All of us together, though we may be in different places of

visibility to

others we all know that it is all of us who make things possible.

I would like to tell you what we have all been a part of. (This means you)

Edgar, one of the younger members of the family that we are with most of the

time has been very curious about Christianity lately, has just recently

completed 1

month of sobriety, joined us at church this past Sunday and had lots of


afterwards. Please keep him in your prayers.

Damian, our young upstairs neighbor is taking slow but sure steps in his walk

with Christ. Matthias has had a great part in all of that, so much so that now

Damian’s younger brother and friends are asking Matthias questions about faith

and inviting him to spend time with them. Keep in mind that these are gang

members we are talking about and it is not easy to earn their respect.

We accompanied Damian and Isaac (the kid who saved Damian’s life when he

tried to kill himself by busting through the glass) and it is incredible to see

God working in their lives, the steps they are taking towards Him.

Also, young people have been asking us for bibles because we have brought

Spanish bibles in contemporary language and they mostly have bibles in Old

Spanish and the young people hardly understand any of it. We gave a bible to

Damian and it has traveled to several other people already and they wanted their

own… if you are one of the people who is thinking about coming down here for a

short trip please let us know as we would like for you to bring us some more!

(We will let you know where you can get them).

Tony, Nolan and Matthias helped roof a classroom on a little Baptist church

outside of the city as well as do some cement work.

Things with Rachel are going well.

The last part of the update I have saved for a question. The question is what

are WE going to do next? Your decisions and prayers have a profound effect on

part of you (we) that is here in Guadalajara Mexico.

We are still aiming for the May 6th outreach with a hip-hop artist, Damien

and ourselves playing and a local pastor preaching.

What is determining our next steps is your support. We will have an outreach

either way. If the funding does not come for what we would like to see happen

then we will borrow our friend’s restaurant and have Damian and ourselves


and a local pastor preaching.

To go forward with plan A, a plane ticket needs to be bought here shortly and

we need to procure a sound system and reserve a spot as well as begin to make


Those of you who had already said you would like to support this outreach

financial please let me know by the end of this week (or during the weekend) how

much support you will be sending so that we can finalize plans and let the


know how much of a “love offering” we can offer him.

Please consider all of this with prayer.

Because we love Him,

Jasmine for Freedom Seed

The “we” in Guadalajara Mexico

“The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind –

Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you,

So they might be one heart and mind with us.

Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent me.

The same glory you gave me, I gave them,

So they’ll be as unified and together as we are –

I in them and you in me.

Then they’ll be mature in this oneness,

And give the godless world evidence

That you’ve sent me and loved them

In the same way you’ve loved me.” -Jesus (John 17:20-23 MSG)

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